Never Take “No” For An Answer

Mazzy has traversed many fields and has accredited most of her success to her ability to push boundaries and ask for opportunities, not wait for them. In this speech, Mazzy speaks to the audience about the importance in never taking “no” for an answer. You never know when that “no” will turn into a “yes”.

Walk With Humility And Competency

Getting opportunities is the easy part, keeping them is harder. Mazzy believes that it is important to prioritize authentic, professional connections over transactional ones. In this speech, Mazzy discusses a time when she squandered an opportunity due to her lack of effort and patience. She uses experiences like this to educated young professional on what not to do when they are first starting out.

Want To Be A High Achiever? Get Comfortable With Uncertainty

Mazzy’s story is like no other. After leaving Miss USA without the crown, she was let go from her job. This is not where she thought she would be after achieving a monumental goal like competing at Miss USA. In this speech, Mazzy is honest and vulnerable about her struggles and doesn’t shy away from sharing her trials and tribulations.