I had the privilege of instilling a sense of pride in being from Washington, and it was an honor to be a source of inspiration for others.”

Mazzy Eckel was crowned Miss Washington USA on 5 February 2022 and represented Washington at the Miss USA 2022 pageant in Reno, Nevada.

Mazzy Eckel's journey as Miss Washington USA 2022 and her experience competing at the national level is truly awe-inspiring. From the age of 14, when Mazzy's father asked her if she wanted to compete for Miss NJ Teen USA, she wholeheartedly embraced the opportunity. Mazzy's willingness to say yes to new challenges exemplifies her resilient and go-getter spirit.

Winning the crown at the age of 21 was a surreal experience for Mazzy. Despite harboring a the sure-found belief that victory was on the horizon, the moment still took her by surprise. Months of manifesting her triumph and facing her nerves created a whirlwind of emotions on the day of her crowning. However, staring at her reflection in the mirror, Mazzy reassured herself that she had what it takes to win. She knew that all she needed was to gather herself and rely on her training.

As Miss Washington, Mazzy was overwhelmed by the incredible outpouring of support she received, surpassing all her expectations. The recognition of her potential by those around her deeply impacted her. Mazzy was met with open arms, immense respect, and affection everywhere she turned. She became a beacon of hope and pride for the state of Washington, inspiring countless individuals who believed in the transformative power of this year expressed new found hope for the Evergreen State.

This experience has instilled a firm belief in Mazzy that she has the capability to accomplish anything she sets her mind to. The overwhelming love and faith that people have bestowed upon her serves as a daily reminder and inspiration. Mazzy understands that by displaying unwavering dedication and putting in the necessary work, she can harness and utilize this support to turn her aspirations into reality.

Mazzy's journey as Miss Washington USA has ignited a renewed sense of determination within her. She is propelled forward with the confidence that she can conquer any challenge and achieve her goals. Mazzy Eckel has not only left a lasting impact on the pageant world but has also become an inspiration to all those who encounter her story of perseverance, passion, and unwavering belief in oneself.

Photographer Credits: Grant Foto, Steven Korn, Namomia May, Japi Culture magazine, Mrs. Jennifer Lloyd Artistry | Video Credits: Crowning Video, Miss USA Preliminaries Video